Relentless Forward Motion.

MapSo Triathlon Club is about connecting with like-minded athletes to achieve your goals and to be a part of something bigger than yourself.

We understand that there is more to triathlon than swimming, biking and running. MapSo brings camaraderie and competitiveness to training, race day, and daily life. The result is an extraordinary, fulfilling, multi-sport experience.

About us.

MapSo Tri is a USAT sanctioned club whose intention is to unite multisport athletes of all levels.  MapSo Tri provides its members with training opportunities, triathlon specific education, and social engagement. Our members run the gamut from well-seasoned elite triathletes to the beginners and everyone in between. If you are interested in triathlon or finding a group to swim, bike and/or run with, MapSo Tri may be right for you.


Our philosophy

Triathlon is more than its individual sports. It gives you an opportunity to challenge yourself to achieve your goals, to meet new people, and to support your friends. MapSo Tri builds relationships amongst its members to create a sense of team and accountability.

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The club.

  • MapSo Tri Club was founded in 2010

  • Over 50 members

  • Headquartered in South Orange, NJ yet open to athletes everywhere!

  • Members range from beginner to elite level triathletes

  • Club members participate in Sprint to Iron distance events, as well as single sport swim, bike or run events

  • We’re on Strava!


Why you should join.

  • Meet friends and training partners to keep you accountable, to push you to reach your potential, and to keep you company on long training days

  • Special perks on team sponsored races, such as same day check-in and a team port-a-potty! 

  • Early registration for certain races.

Relentless Forward Motion.